Class Leader: Rev. Dr. David McNutt
Sundays, February 18- March 3 | 10-10:45am | Parlor
Everything Sad Is Untrue is an award-winning novel by Daniel Nayeri, and it is Wheaton College’s Core Book for this year. It recounts the story of Daniel and his family, who must flee Iran when they convert from Islam to Christianity and eventually settle in Oklahoma. In this four-week class, we will discuss the book and several of its themes that relate to our faith. All are welcome!
The Rev. Dr. David McNutt (PhD, University of Cambridge) is senior acquisitions editor at Zondervan Academic. He is also associate lecturer of Core Studies at Wheaton College, where he teaches courses in theology and philosophy. He is an ordained minister within the Presbyterian Church (USA), and he serves as a parish associate at First Pres Glen Ellyn.
Class Leader: Dr. Jeffrey Barbeau
Sunday, March 10 | 10-10:45am | Parlor
This class has been rescheduled to March 10 and will be held in the Parlor. Christians have long had a love-hate relationship with the imagination. We enjoy stories, make-believe, and poetic lyrics in songs that begin to unveil a meaning and glory that we long to understand. Yet many also worry about what happens when the things we believe about ourselves and the world fail to match the beliefs we hold sacred or true. How do we sort this out? We will continue to explore how attitudes and beliefs shape our creativity, draw insights from revered Christian authors, and examine the link between God’s creativity and our perception of the world.
Dr. Jeffrey Barbeau completed graduate degrees in theology and English literature before earning his PhD in religious studies at Marquette University. A professor for over twenty years, he loves working with students in coursework at the intersection of theology, history, and literature. He is the editor of The Coleridge Bulletin: The Journal of the Friends of Coleridge and author or editor of numerous books, the latest of which is on C. S. Lewis (forthcoming in 2024). He devotes almost all of his time to family, watching or playing basketball, and prairie walking.