First Pres 2023 Annual Report


We invite you to join us in reflecting on this past year and celebrating the ministry done here at First Pres. In this video and below we will provide a comprehensive overview of the activities, milestones, and initiatives that have shaped the life of our community in 2023.

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At the beginning of the year, we launched the ALL IN campaign, which encompassed four new ministry initiatives. We’ve continued to make great progress and wonderful amounts of engagement in our congregation. The Sanctuary renovation has been scheduled to take place in Spring 2024, and three apartments were acquired to help house new refugees in our neighborhood. As we move into 2024, we look forward to continuing the progress made by our teams and to launching new ministry initiatives.

Children’s Ministry

Children’s Ministry had a year filled with spiritual growth and connection! All children’s programming saw a dramatic increase in participation reaching pre-pandemic numbers.

  • Vacation Bible School welcomed 330 children and 110 volunteers who supported and led the kids though fun activities.

  • Spark, our week-day religious education program, had over 170 registrants, allowing 25 volunteers to touch the lives of kids each week.

This year we met challenges with enthusiasm and a desire to touch more lives with the word of God. As we reflect, we are filled with gratitude and anticipation for the future.

Equipped & Small Groups

The Equipped Ministry had an inspiring year filled with different opportunities to engage and to grow in faith.

  • Our Small Groups continued to grow this year, with over 100 participants joining new groups during the ALL IN campaign.
  • First Pres welcomed 28 new members who showed enthusiasm for the new podcast format.

Equipped classes and events provide the opportunity to dig deeper in knowing, loving, and serving Jesus Christ in today’s world.

  • Nearly 200 adults attended our Equipped classes and events throughout the year.

Additional opportunities for connection included the Men’s Breakfast and Golf Outing, along with the Women’s morning apart and Advent evening. Event participation ranged between 30-80, providing an excellent opportunity for meeting new people and enjoying fellowship.

Student Ministries

Student Ministries had a busy year filled with weekly programming, fun retreats, and student events such as Top Golf, Ice Cream Socials, and service opportunities.

  • The middle school program known as TNT consistently drew 40 to 50 students each week. Meanwhile, the High School youth group had 10 to 20 students weekly.
  • Students also enjoyed creating lasting memories at the Fall, Winter, and Summer retreats.
  • With the help of our dedicated interns and volunteers, student ministries successfully launched 6th & 7th grade Sunday school as well as navigating various other programming.

In a year of challenges, God’s grace has shone bright on our resilient team. We are excited to see this ministry continue to grow in the coming year.

Worship Ministries

This year marked a season of change and growth for the worship department.

  • We bid farewell to Andrew Sedlacek and Cedric Jefferson both of whom were dedicated members of the worship team. In the Fall we welcomed our new AV Director Matt Sturm. Additionally, we were excited to bring on board two interns, Emma Ware and Tom Moore.
  • This year in classic worship, there were many exciting events for both the choir and handbells. The choir sang year-round and participated in a hymn sing collaboration with First Pres Wheaton and Wheaton Bible Church. Lily Serfass lead the modern service since August. The band has remained small but incredibly committed.
  • Both the choir and the band worked together during Holy Week and created several beautiful mixed worship services to celebrate the resurrection of ChristThere was a total of 1,432 people who attended services during this week both in-person and online.

We face 2024 with anticipation of what God has in store for our community of believers as we commit to being ALL IN both as individuals and as one body of Christ.

Missions Ministries

In 2023, the Mission Council made significant strides to meet the financial and service needs or of Mission Partners. A focal point this year was the development of a comprehensive refugee support ministry aligned with the ALL IN initiative. First Pres also organized two successful mission trips to Ft. Peck reservation in Montana and Kids Alive in the Dominican Republic.

  • Financially, missions allocated $130,000 in support to our 18 Mission Partners, with an additional $86,000 allotted in capital grants. These funds are earmarked for the creation of a new drop-in community center for refuges in partnership with Exodus, as well as providing a bus for Kids Alive to transport children and guests in the DR.
  • Locally, missions collaborated with YMEN in North Lawndale to establish Saturday Morning Breakfasts.

As we reflect on 2023, the Mission Council’s diligent efforts have not only met immediate needs, but have also laid the foundation for enduring support and engagement with our Mission Partners around the world.

Deacons Ministry

The Deacons, devoted to their service to God and our church community, have been a pillar of support throughout 2023. These 18 people have faithfully served in many ways, including providing regular communion to 16 members unable to attend church in person. The deacons also engage the church body through specialized teams, Special Events, Care and Service, and Welcome and Assimilation Team. These teams have different purposes such as Easter Brunch, sending greeting cards, coordinating coffee services, and Dinner with Friends.

Properties Ministry

2023 brought about exciting developments and maintenance projects to the church.

  • Throughout this year we saw significant improvements such as the modernization of our phone system and the addition of phones in every preschool room.
  • Additionally, we bolstered our door security system by adding cameras to the main doors.
  • We also re-graded, sealed, and striped the West parking lot and tended to the Northeast lot.
  • The Gathering Place roof received a fresh update, and our Garden Workday volunteers continued to beautify the campus.

These projects and ongoing maintenance ensure that our church remains a welcoming place. We eagerly await the update that awaits in 2024.

Westminster Preschool

With over 65 years in the community, Westminster Preschool continues to be a wonderful outreach and ministry of First Pres. Serving approximately 200 families and 250 students, we provide a true foundation for learning during the early childhood years and beyond.

  • In 2023, we celebrated numerous successful all-school events like Fall Family Night, the Christmas Sing, Dad’s night, Mother’s Day teas, and commencement. All of these activities fostered a strong sense of community beyond the school day.
  • Our monthly Children’s Church not only allowed children to experience worship together, but also enabled them to give back to the mission partners of First Pres. Kids donated food and personal items to the Glen Ellyn Food Pantry, Bridge Communities, and many more.

With a dedicated staff of 20, we ensure the highest quality of education for our students. The Westminster team is strong and mighty, and for that we are grateful.

Communications Ministry

The Communications Ministry is dedicated to fostering engagement and nurturing the faith of our current church community, while also connecting more individuals to our church and helping them build a relationship with Christ.

  • In 2023, we created multiple videos and promotional material for the launch of the ALL IN campaign.
  • Throughout the year we noticed a surge in social media engagement, marked by an increased number of followers on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
  • Additionally, we revamped our seasonal guides by developing video content, an email newsletter, and establishing a dedicated webpage for the Fall and Winter Guide.

The communications ministry is excited about the future as we continue to nurture the faith of those in our community.

Thank you for an amazing 2023, we can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2024!