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Tuesday Notes

The Relationship Between Science and Faith

By January 16, 2019No Comments

Even if you are not someone who is currently thirsting for answers on these 5 Questions, I want to encourage you to be thoughtful about and considerate of those who are. Every congregation should have in its pews on Sunday morning those who are not yet Christians but who are curious and interested in the big questions of life. One of the ways you can personally help those who are asking big questions is to become aware of what common questions are and how one might approach those questions in an exploration of faith.

The topic we dealt with on Sunday morning is one of the most frequent complaints about Christianity from those outside the faith; especially among the young.

We engaged together on Sunday the relationship between science and faith and how a person can examine the compatibility of these two disciplines of knowledge, without being forced to choose one or the other.

We know from David Kinnaman’s research in his book entitled “You Lost Me: Why Young Christians are Leaving the Church,” one of the six big negatives young people assign to church is “anti-science.” There are few more effective PR campaigns for someone to leave faith than a thoughtless Christian refusing to do the serious work of intellectual commitment and honest inquiry into this topic. Even if the relationship between science and faith isn’t an issue for you; I bet it is for someone in your family or circle of friends.

Our ability to “gently and respectfully” (to quote the Apostle Peter) come alongside those who are asking questions about faith in Jesus Christ is a part of what it means to be faithful to the Biblical description of a disciple. It is our work to make room for questions, to make the church a safe place to ask questions, and to be ready to help those with questions as they arise.

Jesus loved questions. He loved when people asked him questions, he loved to push people with questions of his own, and he demonstrated that questions fuel us to deeper places of faith.

I am thankful to be working with you to create a community where questions are welcomed graciously and engaged gently!

Chris Griggs