Friends, if you were not in worship this past Sunday morning, I truly want to encourage you to take a few minutes to listen to the message from this past week. I almost never say this; not because I don’t want you to do so if you’d like to, but because it can sound like a 5-year-old running into the room and demanding you look at the picture he just colored.
But this message is just for you. For you, the person who finds it a challenge to make it to worship on Sunday morning. For you, the person who is busy, who travels, who loves Jesus Christ and the Jesus-people of the church, but making it into a pew on Sunday is a push. For you, the person who wants to grow deeper in relationship with your loving Heavenly Father and know his presence in your life.
So, if you missed worship on October 27th, no more reading. Start listening! Here’s the link to the message from Sunday.