Church Family,
We often find comparisons in the New Testament between the journey of the Jesus following community and running a race (1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Hebrews 12:1-2, Galatians 5:7, Philippians 3:14, 2 Timothy 4:7). Part of the reason I think the metaphor of a race works so well for the experience of living together as a Christian community is that there are seasons in a race, and seasons in our journey.
In a race, one negotiates challenges like fatigue, discouragement, distraction, and navigating the racecourse. In the journey of faith, we experience all those things and more. In a race, one finds encouragement from supporters, exercises discipline and perseverance, and focuses on the ultimate goal.
Our ALL IN journey is entering its final quarter. Ahead of us we have the ALL IN finish line, the celebration of accomplishment, and the discovery what the Lord has for us next. As we run our race of faith as a community this winter, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith. Let us run with joy as we press on toward the goal. And let us encourage one another as those who race together, united in faith and purpose.
With you in the journey of discipleship,
Pray for
- Catalyst, a new ministry at First Pres. Pray that it will be a vibrant community where people can experience authentic connection and grow their faith.
- Our local school district as they make enrollment changes. Pray for our ministry to adjust and change, recognizing the needs of the children and families.
- Those in our community to take their next step. Pray that they open their eyes and listen closely as the Holy Spirit challenges them and strengthens them to live out Jesus’ words.
- God to provide the best people possible to fill important openings in children’s and student ministries.
- The worship department as we work to continue to grow a culture of engagement and participation within the congregation.
- The worship and tech teams as they seek to serve our community in the worship space.
Chris Griggs