Classic Worship | 8:45am
Modern Worship | 10:30am
To all the congregation, during our 11/11/2018 Congregational Meeting, we will vote on Session’s recommended changes to our Bylaws. The Board of Deacons requested more flexibility in setting the number of Deacons who serve annually. Thus, a flexible range of 15 to 30 Deacons is proposed vs. a fixed quantity of…
On Sunday, October 14, join us after the second service for food, music, and fun at the Lake Ellyn Boathouse. From 11:30 am-1:30 pm, enjoy a BBQ lunch from Chuck’s Barbecue; live music including Blues, Gospel, and Contemporary songs; and lots of activities, fun and fellowship. RSVP: there are lots…
We had an awesome week with over 275 area children learning to PRAY! P= Parent, to remember God is our Father! R= Remember, to remember what God wants for us! A= Ask for what you need, and ask for forgiveness! Y= Yes! Say yes to Jesus! Check out every kids’…
Although we give of our time, talent and treasure year-round, 53rd Sunday is a unique opportunity to amplify your giving. For the month of May you can give to a mission of your choosing; the church has $25,000 of matching funds. The 2018 Missions Guide and the 53rd Sunday envelope…
sermon series | More than Sunday: Living as People of the Resurrection The event of Easter so shaped the way that the early church saw themselves, the world and God, that it changed most everything. Among those massive changes was the day of the week that Jewish Christians gathered for worship. The Sunday…