Church Family,
One of the things that we are told repeatedly in scripture about our great God is that God is continually making all things new (Isaiah 43:18-19, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Revelation 21:5). This applies equally to individuals, to faith communities, and to the creation itself.
Our God not only creates, but also redeems and sustains. I hope that as you see the new things God is doing in our community in this quarterly update it will inspire you to reflect on the new things that God is doing in your own life. Perhaps this is an invitation to discover some new things God wants to do in you.
It is easy for us in some seasons of life to feel tired, stuck, or beyond repair. But behold; the God we serve is never finished bringing about new things in our lives and our community. Let us rejoice that we serve a God of new beginnings, fresh starts, revival, and redemption who is at work even now making all things new.
Pray for
Children and families as they continue to adjust to new routines and the change in seasons.
Choir, band, and bell choir as they prepare music to praise God this fall and advent season.
Those longing for community, may they receive the invitation and respond with engagement.
God’s Spirit to open our eyes to the path He sets before us, and to boldly step out in faith.
The students going on the high school and confirmation retreat would begin to see how the Holy Spirit is at work in their lives.
The children in Spark would learn who God is through the games, crafts, and stories they’re hearing this fall.
The sanctuary renovation process; that we will be able to be in the sanctuary for Christmas Eve, for smooth approval from the various boards and agencies, and safety of all who are working to build the sanctuary.
Chris Griggs