The Apostles’ Creed is one of the most universally recognized summaries of the Christian faith. Though not written by the apostles, it offers a concise summary of the teachings of the apostles and is the oldest creed in the Christian church. It is used widely today throughout the world in worship as a joyous expression of the truths that Christians proclaim. For some people of faith, it is the statement of faith owned personally on the occasion of their baptism.
For others who are still exploring faith, it is an invitation to consider what Jesus is inviting them to receive, believe, and exhibit to the world.
This fall on Sunday mornings at First Pres we will dive into the heart of the understanding of the Gospel shared by all Christians. We will examine the relationship between faith, human reason, human experience, and Christian doctrine. We will explore how we come to understand our own faith in Jesus in an increasingly deep way over time. And we will discover the rich meaning and significance that the Apostles’ Creed can have for helping us live in the way of Jesus.