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Confirmation Retreat 2022 @ Covenant Harbor

By March 10, 2022No Comments

We are excited to go to Covenant Harbor with our Confirmation Class of 2022! This is an excellent chance for this class of students to bond together and share how God has been at work in their life. Together, they will write out what they believe about God, Christ’s work in their lives, and how they would like to engage with the church moving forward. The cost is $80 per student plus money for a Culver’s dinner. Confirmation students are GREATLY ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. Register here today!

Event Information

Friday-Saturday |  March 18-19, 2022 | Covenant Harbor
Students will depart from First Pres promptly at 6pm on Friday and return on Saturday at 12:30pm.


Questions? Contact the front desk at 630.469.2007.