In Philippians chapter 3, Paul builds a sort of spiritual balance sheet as he recounts his losses and his gains. His losses include his physical freedom, his comfort, and all the things that comprise his “present sufferings” and those of the church to whom he writes. Interestingly, Paul also logs in the “loss column” a number of things which he previously would have counted as “gains” – things like confidence in the flesh, rigid religious observance, and his previous passion persecuting the church.
In the “profit” column, Paul lists only one thing: Jesus Christ.
He proclaims that, in order to gain Jesus, he is willing to lose all things, endure all things, suffer all things, because of the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ our Lord. It is a wonderful moment of Paul taking stock of what lies behind, what lies ahead, and naming what is truly and eternally important. In this sermon series we will look back and celebrate all that God has done in and through this community these past two years. And we will look ahead at what it means for us to “press on toward the mark” (Phil 3:14) in order to take hold of Jesus Christ. Join us on Sundays from 8:45am or 10:30am for the next three weeks!
Commitment Sunday | Sunday, March 23 | Sanctuary
Join us for Commitment Sunday as we journey through Celebrating God’s Faithfulness. This is a time to reflect on God’s blessings and prayerfully consider your commitment for the remainder of 2025. More details on submitting your commitment card can be found at the ALL IN Hub, or online.