Through Student Ministries, we hope to give students an onramp to adulthood, preparing them to participate fully in life. We want them to be socially and emotionally engaged, able to identify how God is at work in their lives. Students love our weekly gatherings TNT, FPGEY, Confirmation (8th grade), retreats, and summer programs.
Student Ministries
Jr. High and High School programs encourage students and point them to Christ.
Junior High

FPGEY Middle School (TNT)
Wednesdays September-May | 6:30-8pm | Gym
& Youth Lounge
At FPGEY Middle School (TNT), our Wednesday evening junior high program, students connect with God, the church, leaders who care for them, and fellow middle schoolers. We spend our evenings engaging the person of God by means of friendship, worship, community, and the stories of Jesus. After this teaching time we split into small groups to discuss how it affects our lives. Please register and complete the waivers here.
Sundays, 8:45-9:45am in room LL8
All 8th graders are invited to join us for confirmation. During confirmation, students will explore their identity, purpose, and belonging as it relates to affirming their baptism (or being baptized) and becoming members of First Pres. Classes will be highly experiential and will give students the chance to grow in their relationships with God and each other while wrestling with their honest questions and doubts. Confirmation will also include a retreat (October 18-20). Parents will be expected to participate in several classes throughout the year. Register here today!
Retreats give junior high students an incredible opportunity away from home together. Through uninterrupted hours of shared experience travelling, playing games, eating meals, and having discussions, students will get to know leaders, a friend group, and will experience God’s love for them through these connections.
High School

FPGEY High School
Sundays September-May | 7-8:30 pm | Youth Lounge
FPGEY High School offers a welcoming environment specifically designed for high school students—it’s a place they can belong while trying on who they are. Here, participants have an opportunity to try on what it means to be a Jesus follower. Students hear about and discuss the person and character of Jesus reflective of the biblical narrative, and they see how it applies to their life today. Please register and complete the waivers here.
Life Group
During the summer program, smaller groups of students are set up based on availability and meet in people’s houses. It offers less structure than FPGEY High School, typically with a topic-based discussion that is shaped by questions and student interest.
Student Worship Team
Students who are musically curious are invited to participate on the student worship team, where they can practice and learn what it means to be a worship leader. Contact Lily Serfass, if your interested in volunteering.
The multiple retreat opportunities offered throughout the year give students a chance to spend around 48 hours together with fellow students and leaders. Through a van trip, games, service, and discussions about faith and the person of Jesus, students walk away from retreats knowing their leaders and a solid friend group, and with memories over an incredible shared experience.