God can uniquely work in our lives every day through relationships. We know everyone craves close, meaningful connection, and we believe in the impact these relationships can have on faith. We work intentionally to cultivate Christ-centered relationships, strong marriages, healthy families, and transformative friendships.
Through Christ-centered relationships, you can know yourself, know others, and know God on a deeper level.

Small Groups
Current Groups
Women's Groups | Meets Weekly
Faith Builders | Thursday mornings, 9:30-11:30am
Location: Parlor
Will resume meeting September 12, 2024
Contact Cinda Siligmueller with any questions.
Evening Faith Builders | Wednesdays, 7-9pm
Location: Parlor
Will resume meeting September 11,2024
Contact Cinda Siligmueller with any questions.
Bible Study | Wednesdays 7-8am
Location: Zoom
Men's Groups | Meets Weekly
Book Group | Saturdays 7:30-8:30am
Location: Parlor
Bible Study | Saturdays 7:30-8:30am
Location: Gathering Place
Bible Study | Wednesdays 8:00-9:00am
Location: Zoom
Co-Ed Groups | Frequency varies with each group
Grief Support Group | Six-week grief group- September 24-October 22 | 6-7:30pm
Location: Parlor
Grief Group provides a place for those who grieve due to the loss of a loved one. The group’s intent is to provide a place for those who grieve, and specifically for those who have lost a loved one. We each experience loss and we do so in a way that is unique to each of us. This setting will allow you to talk honestly about what grieving is like for you, enable you to learn about issues and stages of grief, and be encouraged and cared for by others. Jonathan Hancock will facilitate the group. If you have any questions or interest please send an email to or Jonathan Hancock call the church office.
20s Group | Monthly Meetings (September 2024 – December 2025)
We are a small but committed group that meets in fellowship. Join us once a month for social opportunities. If you have any questions or interest please send an email to Lily Serfass or call the church office.