Use this as a resource to guide you through the Service of Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 18, 2022.

Download the Lessons and Carols Bulletin

Listen to our playlist for modern worship music on Spotify!
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Our YouTube channel for students 6th-12th grade.
Our YouTube channel for families with children K-5th grade.
Our YouTube channel for preschool families.
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April 10, 2023

ALL IN | You Were Made For This

October 23, 2024 in Adults, Events, Missions

Feed My Starving Children Service Opportunity

During our time at Feed My Starving Children we’ll be packing food for kids in developing countries. This is an easy way to serve for anyone more than 5 years old. You are responsible for getting to the Feed My Starving Children site in Aurora. Grown-ups must stay and serve…
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October 15, 2024 in Adults, Events, Missions

Glen House Food Pantry Collection

Join First Pres and donate: peanut butter, white rice, tuna, ketchup, mayo, soup & ramen, crackers, bagged flavored rice, pasta, tissues, and canned sloppy joes to the Glen House Food Pantry. There will be boxes placed by the preschool and south entrances where you can place your donations. Thank you…
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October 9, 2024 in Children, Family, General News

Trunk or Treat

Families are invited to dress up and enjoy trunk-or-treating in the First Pres parking lot! All First Pres families can host a trunk—decorate it, pass out candy, and compete for prizes in categories like most creative trunk and best costumes. Register here today! Event Information Sunday, October 27 |  4-4:45pm…
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October 6, 2024 in Adults, General News

Fall Men’s Breakfast, October 26, 2024

Our First Pres Fall Men’s Breakfast is coming up fast.  We are privileged to have Eric Camfield, Associate Pastor, from Christ Church Oakbrook as our featured speaker.  Eric is a neat guy who is an avid Fly Fisherman. Part of his ministry is offering men’s retreats centered around flyfishing. He…
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