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Fall Sermon Series 2024 Overcoming Apathy – Unmasking the Mystery of Our Indifference

By August 29, 2024No Comments

We exist in a competitive environment for our attention. Dings, buzzes, alerts, pings, pop-ups, and breaking news constantly vie for our emotions and affections. Yet, there is a growing sense of apathy toward things most of us would admit are important: our spiritual lives, injustice, the state of society, and even relationships that we know need attention.  

Sometimes, our apathy is a mystery even to us.

In this sermon series, we will explore the causes and cures of apathy through the story of the Exodus of Israel. God took Moses from a place of fear and disengagement and led him to being one of the most impactful leaders in the Bible. In this series, we will discover what Moses needed to know and believe to be freed from apathy and how can we benefit from these lessons in order to overcome a pervasive sense of “meh” and be awakened again to the meaningful.