If you are joining us online near the end of the classic service, we will sing Silent Night. To welcome the baby Jesus, the Light of the World, you might want to have your own candles ready to light.
Use this as a resource to guide you through the Classic Christmas Eve Service.
Welcome! We are honored that you have chosen to join us for Christmas Eve here at First Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn!
If you are looking for a vibrant, family-friendly community of believers, consider visiting again, in-person or online. Through mission, small groups, education, a family focus, and inspiring worship, we love to bring the work of Christ alive locally and around the world. Learn more about First Pres here. By clicking the connect card icon, you can connect with us online. We would love to hear from you!
Today's Service
Title | The Word of Life
Speakers | Chris Griggs, Jonathan Hancock, Jen Bradbury, Alicia Felker, Trista Felker
Text | 1 John 1:1-4 (NIV)
Poinsettias decorating the Sanctuary were given by the following people. Thank you.
Nancy Cavanaugh in memory of Ronn, Marilyn, and Susan
Sue Cristiano in memory of Maurine Hoeppner and Ned Hoeppner
Audre Daniels in memory of my mother, Elizabeth Inez Andrew
Scott Daniels in memory of my father, Bob Daniels
The Kolcz family in memory of Paul and Thelma Morgan
Paul and Kathy Hartge in honor of our grandchildren, Benjamin and Ava
Chuck and Cindy Purdom, in memory of our parents, Charles Purdom Sr, Katherine Purdom, and Anthony Holy, Sr.
Cindy Purdom in memory of my brother, Anthony J Holy, Jr.
Chaylee Wenn in honor of Nancy Cavanaugh and Larry Cavanaugh
Phyllis Kidd in memory of Wilbur and Flossie Stegner
Cleveland Holmes in memory of Bobbye W Holmes
Sharon Reif in memory of Stephen Reif
Phill and Carol Lindhorn in memory of our parents: Ray, Doris, Bob, and Mary Ellen
Tom and Ann Ryerson in memory of Olga Ryerson
Keith and Bonnie King in memory of our parents: Jean and Nelson Branch, and Ted and Clintena King, and Bonnie’s brother, Brad Branch
Merril Tlusty in memory of Thomas Tlusty
Robert and Caroline Meggenberg in memory of our parents: George and Bernice Goetz and Emmett and Dorothy Meggenberg
The Wittenberg family in memory of our parents and brothers
In honor of Keith and Michelle Mote from their Small Group
Marlene Slansky in memory of Jerry Slansky
Kerri and Don Andersen in memory of our daughter Emily Andersen Wilson and her grandparents, Phyllis and Don Kennard and Kay and Don Andersen
Susan and Norm Hull in memory of our parents- Joan & Charlie Siegmann and Lucille Hull and Norm’s brothers, Larry and Jeff Hull
Paul Zumbrook and Jan Buscher in honor of their parent’s, Ray and Marty Zumbrook
Janet and Tom Tuscher in memory of their parents