Church at Home
Church is important for kids. But studies show that spiritual moments at home, with family, are even more impactful to a child’s faith development than church! So in this season when First Pres is meeting online, we invite you to take 10-15 minutes to do Church At Home with your kids each Sunday! If you don’t currently receive our weekly Church At Home email, please check that it’s not in your junk folder, then contact David Profitt and we’ll add you to the list.
Worship Dance Party
Don’t miss our Monday 2pm Worship Dance Parties with Mrs Chibucos on zoom. Email David for a zoom link to sign up.
Midweek Teaching Video
We are also sending out midweek teaching videos that feature a fun challenge and teaching topics like dealing with worry, how to keep the peace when fights break out with siblings, staying spiritually healthy, and serving. You can find these by searching “First Pres Kids” on YouTube or through our weekly emails.
Subscribe to FPKids YouTube Channel for families with children K-5th grade.
Thanks for teaching and guiding your kids spiritually through this time. If there’s anything we can do to help, please let us know. We hope to partner with you in-person again sometime soon!
David Profitt, Director of Children’s Ministry
Jen Chibucos, Associate Director of Children’s Ministry