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Tuesday Notes

Ready. Set. Pray!

By Tuesday Notes
I’ve been thinking a lot this week of how often I have found myself in the Jonah story as we’ve worked our way through the book on Sunday mornings this spring. Runner from God at times? Check. Desperate prayer in desperate circumstances? Check. More concerned with my own comfort than...
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Preaching Justice

By Tuesday Notes
Jonah is one of the least read books in the Bible. (At least according to handy analysis of what people access electronically.) I was quite surprised to see this. Surprised because it is short and easy to read; surprised because it is an engaging story; surprised because there are an...
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What is a “Parish Associate?”

By Tuesday Notes
The Presbyterian Church has some funny terms. From time-to-time I am still learning new ones. When I came to First Pres Glen Ellyn 7 years ago, I learned what a “Sacristy” is – although I still think it would be easier to call it “that little closet where all the...
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Encounter: Good Enough

By Tuesday Notes
You likely are familiar with the mixer game where a famous person’s name is put on a tag on your back. You don’t know whose name it is, so you have to ask yes or no questions of others in the room, in order to figure it out. Let’s say...
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What Does It Mean to “Help”?

By Tuesday Notes
In the sermon on Sunday we studied one of Jesus’ most famous parables, the so-called “Good Samaritan.” If you were basking in the Spring Break sun this week, you can listen to the sermon here. Jesus tells a brilliant parable that gives an example of what we would call social...
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Doubt is a part of faith

By Tuesday Notes
New Testament commentator Dale Bruner writes that, “There has never been a worshipper of Jesus who did not also doubt him.” Even those who encountered Jesus in the flesh after his resurrection from the dead had their doubts about what they were experiencing. It’s only natural to have some doubts...
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