If you are joining us online near the end of the acoustic service, we will sing Silent Night. To welcome the baby Jesus, the Light of the World, you might want to have your own candles ready to light.
Use this as a resource to guide you through the Acoustic Eve Children’s Service.
Welcome! We are honored that you have chosen to join us for Christmas Eve here at First Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn!
If you are looking for a vibrant, family-friendly community of believers, consider visiting again, in-person or online. Through mission, small groups, education, a family focus, and inspiring worship, we love to bring the work of Christ alive locally and around the world. Learn more about First Pres here. By clicking the connect card icon, you can connect with us online. We would love to hear from you!
Today's Service
Speakers: Chris Griggs, Jonathan Hancock, Pam Gilbert
Topic: John 1:1-14 (NIV)
Poinsettias decorating the Sanctuary were given by the following people. Thank you.
Gary Alcock in memory of Gordon and Phyllis Alcock
Camille Brainerd in honor of Mickey Collins and in memory of Bob Collins Dave, and Merwyn Brainerd
Siblings Laurie, Sue, Linda and Dave in honor of Wallace and Marjorie Natchke
Marjorie Seyfert in honor of Lee Seyfert
Thomas and Janet Tuscher in memory of their parents
Scott and Melissa Walti in memory of Katie Rice
The West Family in memory of Dianne Nail and Myra Delhotal
Florence Wright in memory of David Wright Sr and Steven Wright Royal and Mercie Woolfolk in memory of Ernest and Etith Woolfolk and Jesse and Erma White
Glen Sokol in memory of Richard and LaVerne Sokol
Annina and Lauren Graba in memory of loved ones
Paul Bando in memory of Sally Bando
Amanda Gambony in memory of Randy Gambony
The Bischoff Family in memory of Lynn Galvin (grandmother and mother), Melissa Bischoff (sister and aunt)
Bob and Caroline Meggenberg in memory of Dorothy and Emmett
Meggenberg and George and Bernice Goetz
David and Jane Boumgarden in memory of Linda Austin
Rhonda and Hassell Bullock in memory of our parents
Marie Swartz in memory of Jim Swartz