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Kids Are Making a Difference in Uganda

By June 6, 2024June 26th, 2024No Comments

There are many ways that kids engage in missions here at First Pres. This year, children from Westminster Preschool and Children’s Ministry supported Partners In Mission (PIM) by collecting coins to help improve the agriculture program at the primary and secondary schools in Uganda.

PIM is a mission partner of First Pres Glen Ellyn that promotes God’s love to the marginalized children of Uganda by providing education, community development, and Christian discipleship.

Westminster Preschool and Children’s Ministry collected a total of $1287.92 this year for coffee seedlings.

These kids were able to make a difference, one coin at a time.

First Pres and mission partner Partners in Mission is hosting, a 55-mile bicycle ride beginning at First Pres on Saturday, August 3. Join us in helping raise money for the Kamwenge Secondary & Vocational School in Uganda. Learn more here.