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Men’s Golf Outing | August 25, 2024

By July 29, 2024August 8th, 2024No Comments
Golf Club and Golf Ball

Join golfers from First Pres at this scramble event at Village Links of Glen Ellyn!  All levels of golf ability are welcome!  We will start the day with an 18 hole “shamble” with prizes awarded for the longest drive, closest to the pin, and longest putt.  Following golf, there will be dinner in the Blue Herron Room at 5pm. You can choose your meal choice when you register.  You will pay all golf fees at Village Links (Golf at Pro Shop $90, pay for dinner $24).  We encourage men who don’t play golf to please join us for dinner and fellowship.  Invite a friend to join you! We look forward to seeing you there!

Event Information

Sunday, August 25 |  Noon-6pm
Village Links of Glen Ellyn

Questions & Registration

Register here! Please call Rob Merrell (312) 898-0350 with any questions.