All women are invited to a Virtual 90-Minute Retreat and Painting Party with Prayer and Personal Testimonials:
Wintering. Sure it’s fun in the beginning. Hot chocolate! Cozy flannel shirts! Comfort food! Snow! But then. Slush. Winter coat and boot fatigue. Sunlight deficiency. You’re ready for something new! How about a little creativity to banish the winter blues? For a fun evening, invite your friend/family to join you in your home. Art instruction by talented Carol Fiene will come to you live from Bottle and Bottega Studio via Zoom.
$30 per person includes a special Wintering Survival Kit containing all art supplies, copy of image to be painted and instructions for set up as well as how to use Zoom. Keep reading for registration details.
Event Information
Tuesday, February 9 | 7-8:30pm on Zoom
Questions & Registration
Register here before February 3. Drive-thru kit pickup is Saturday, February 6, 1-2:30pm in the First Pres west parking lot. Questions? Contact Cinda Siligmueller.