Thank you to everyone who participated in 4th @ First this year. If you missed Sunday’s service, you can still watch online. Like us on Facebook and Instagram to see more from First Pres.
Thank you to everyone who participated in 4th @ First this year. If you missed Sunday’s service, you can still watch online. Like us on Facebook and Instagram to see more from First Pres.
We’re celebrating all the amazing volunteers who made 4th@First possible!
We appreciate John Day, Tricia and Mark Cavan, Cari Davenport, Karen and Mike Michalczyk, Barb and Andy Retelny, Dion and Sue Clary, Keith Mote, Pete Vlasses, Heidi and Mark McAndrew, and Gary Alcock, for giving their time and energy to serving the church in this unique way. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to the community.
Copyright First Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn