First Pres Fall Guide


The 2024 Fall Guide will help you learn more about the upcoming programs and events at the church.

Learn more below
Kids Singing and Dancing

Children’s Ministry

First Pres children’s ministry is excited about the upcoming opportunities this Fall. We love to see God at work in kids’ lives through our many programs.

Family Backyard Parties

Kickoff the new school year with a backyard party! Join us for a family-friendly event tailored to families with children of the same age as yours. The backyard parties will include food, a chance to meet and connect with other First Pres families, games for the kids, and the chance to hear about all that our children’s ministry will be doing this fall! RSVP for a party geared toward you.

  • Saturday, September 7 (Families with children in grades Kindergarten- 5)
  • Sunday, September 8 (Preschool aged children)

Kids' Church

Nursery (0-2 years old):  The nursery shows our youngest kids God’s love and care that starts from birth. Learn more here!

Kids’ Church (Preschool-5th): During worship, children who are preschool age – 5th grade participate in Kids’ Church. Each week, they play, pray, create, and explore Bible stories together in fun and interactive ways. Learn more here!

Questions? Contact Jen Bradbury, Senior Director of Family Ministries.

Bible Milestone

September 4 & 11

For children in grade 3 (as well as those who are in grades 4-5 who have not yet received a Bible from First Pres.) 

At baptism, we promise to help children grow in their faith. One of the ways we do this is through a series of milestones. In third grade, we give children a Bible to use and grow in their faith. Before presenting children with their Bible in worship, we spend two weeks together teaching them what the Bible is and how to use it. A grownup needs to attend class on September 4 and 11 from 5-5:30pm with their child. Childcare will be provided from 5-5:30pm each week for younger siblings. Children in grades 4-5 who have not received a bible from First Pres are also welcome to participate. Register here today!

Spark 2024 “We are...”

First Day October 2 – November 20

Spark is a fun after-school program that takes place on Wednesdays from 3:45-5:30pm throughout the school year. This fall, we’ll use large group worship and games alongside small group rotations that include Bible adventures, games, and a mystery activity to explore Bible stories that show us who God is. Registration for Spark volunteers and First Pres members opens Sunday, August 18th at 11am. Registration opens to the public on August 25 at 11am. For questions, please contact Jen Bradbury, Senior Director of Family Ministries. Register here!

Trunk or Treat

Sunday, October 27
First Pres Parking Lot

Families are invited to dress up and enjoy trunk-or-treating in the First Pres parking lot! All First Pres families can host a trunk—decorate it, pass out candy, and compete for prizes in categories like most creative trunk and best costumes. Register here today!

For questions, please contact Jen Bradbury, Senior Director of Family Ministries.

Feed My Starving Children

Saturday, November 2
2-3:45pm | 555 Exchange Ct, Aurora, IL 60504

During our time at Feed My Starving Children we’ll be packing food for kids in developing countries. This is an easy way to serve for anyone more than 5 years old. You are responsible for getting to the Feed My Starving Children site in Aurora. Grown-ups must stay and serve alongside children. Register here today!

For questions, please contact Jen Bradbury, Senior Director of Family Ministries.

Student Ministry

This fall in student ministries there are lots of opportunities for fun, laughter, and spiritual growth. Students love our weekly gatherings – TNT, FPGEY, Confirmation, and the Fall Retreat.

High School Youth Group (FPGEY)

Starts September 8
4-5:30pm | Youth Lounge

FPGEY offers a welcoming environment specifically designed for high school students—it’s a place where they can belong while trying on who they are. Here, participants have an opportunity to try on what it means to be a Jesus follower. Students hear about and discuss the person and character of Jesus reflective of the biblical narrative, and they see how it applies to their lives today. Please register and complete the waivers here.

Junior High Ministry (TNT)

Starts September 25 | 6:30-8pm | First Pres Gym and Youth Lounge

Registration is now open for TNT! Whether you grew up in church or have never stepped foot inside one, you are welcome at TNT! Try it once; come for the year! Join us for fun games, and a time of learning more about Jesus. Please register and complete the waivers here. Dinner is available every week for $5.


Starts September 8
8:45-9:45am | LL8

All 8th graders are invited to join us for confirmation. During confirmation, students will explore their identity, purpose, and belonging as it relates to affirming their baptism (or being baptized) and becoming members of First Pres. Classes will be highly experiential and will give students the chance to grow in their relationships with God and each other while wrestling with their honest questions and doubts. Confirmation will also include a retreat (October 18-20.) Parents will be expected to participate in several classes throughout the year.

High School Fall Retreat & Confirmation Retreat

October 18-20, 2024

We are thrilled to announce our high school fall retreat is back. With the addition of the confirmation class, we’ll have opportunities to play bigger games and grow together in new and meaningful ways. While both high school and confirmation will have their own distinct and unique meeting spaces and material covered, we’ll be able to gather together for worship, meals, and connection. Our hope is that students come away from this retreat having a renewed and refreshed understanding of their faith in Christ and how it impacts their lives.

High School Fall Retreat
Register here!

Confirmation Retreat
Register here!

Feed My Starving Children

Saturday, November 2
2-3:45pm | 555 Exchange Ct, Aurora, IL 60504

During our time at Feed My Starving Children we’ll be packing food for kids in developing countries. This is an easy way to serve for anyone more than 5 years old. You are responsible for getting to the Feed My Starving Children site in Aurora. Grown-ups must stay and serve alongside children. Register here today!

For questions, please contact Jen Bradbury, Senior Director of Family Ministries.

College Care, Prayer & Share

Monday, November 18
7pm | Conference Room

Join other college parents to gather, pray, prepare a goodie box, and reminisce about days gone by. Register online and receive a link to sign up and bring one item for the total number of boxes to be packed. Bring your item on the night of Monday, November 18, and we will work together to create boxes of love for our college students. You will take your box home with you to be mailed at a time convenient for your student. Questions? Contact Sue Clary.


Check out our Equipped classes that allow people the opportunity to dig deeper into knowing, loving, and serving our Lord Jesus Christ.

Equipped Classes

The teaching ministry of the church, “Equipped,” is vital for a dynamic and growing life in Christ. Our classes for adults are designed to help deepen your faith, engage your heart and mind, and encourage you to love and serve God and each other. Click here for class information.

Small Groups

Being a part of a small group provides the environment which allows God to work in our lives through relationships and learning. Click here for more information.

Faith Builders for Women

Wednesday Faith Builders
7-9pm | Parlor

Thursday Faith Builders
9:30-11:30am | Parlor

Join us for an exciting fall season, starting with a 7-session study by Jennifer Rothschild on Psalm 23. Explore the depths of God’s compassionate care while debunking the self-reliance myth. Learn how you can trust the Shepherd’s goodness throughout each season of life.

Wednesday Night Faith Builders 
Register Here!

Thursday Morning Faith Builders
Register Here!

Open Ears, Open Bibles, Open Hearts: Conversations at the Intersection of Politics and Faith

Wednesday’s October 9, 16, 23 | 7pm

First Presbyterian Church is a community committed to living with Jesus Christ as the Lord of our lives. That is true in our worship, in our mission, in our ministries, in our personal lives, and in our political activity. First Pres is also a community where people who are equally committed to Jesus Christ and united in our shared faith, carry differing convictions and opinions about American politics. Unfortunately, the public sphere can be a terrible place for reasoned and thoughtful political discourse. You see it and you feel it. The opposition is vilified, the conversation is toxic, and the disrespect is rampant. During this election season, we want to provide an opportunity for growth in understanding. Open Ears, Open Bibles, Open Hearts will provide an opportunity for us to learn why some of our brothers and sisters in Christ hold Jesus as the Lord of their lives but disagree with us on a variety of political issues. At these gatherings, pastor Chris will help members of First Pres gain a perspective on the thinking of those who agree with us on the Lordship of Jesus but disagree with us on political issues. RSVP is required to attend. RSVP here today!

Women crafting

Adult Ministries Events

We know everyone craves close, meaningful connections, and we believe in the impact these relationships can have on faith. This Fall there are a multitude of events for adults.

Men’s Breakfast

Saturday, October 26

This year the Fall Men’s Breakfast is held on Saturday, October 26. A full hot breakfast is served along with good fellowship.  Stay tuned for more details.

Women’s Advent Event

Tuesday, November 12
7-8:30pm | Chapel

Joy to the World – Let Every Heart Rejoice

Come prepare your heart for Christmas as we sing carols and hear personal stories reflecting on God’s presence in our lives. Stay tuned for more details.

Grief Group

September 24 – October 22 6-7:30pm

Grief Group provides a place for those who grieve due to the loss of a loved one. While grief and loss is a part of each of our life journeys, the way it hits each of us is unique. The group setting will provide you with helpful resources as we engage in the issues and process of grief, but mostly it will allow you space to talk honestly about what grieving is like for you and allow for group members to listen and care for each other. Jonathan Hancock will facilitate the group. Please share this opportunity with others who are grieving. If you have questions or interest, please send an email to Jonathan Hancock or call the church office at 630.469.2007.


There are many annual traditions at First Pres, and we invite you to join us for these events.

Live Nativity

Friday, November 29 | 6:30-7:30pm | Front Lawn

Just steps from the downtown tree lighting … Capture the wonder of the season at the First Pres Live Nativity. Live animals including a llama, sheep, and ducks, complete the scene, and hot cocoa and cookies will be served. The event is free and open to the public. If you have any questions, please contact the front office at 630.469.2007.

Thanksgiving Eve & Pie

November 27
7pm | Chapel

You are invited to join this year’s Thanksgiving Eve service. First Pres will be joined by the Spanish-speaking congregation (ICCH). Please invite your family and friends. Following the service, there will be wonderful conversation and pies in the parlor.

Worship Ministry

We take joy in gathering together to worship the God of the universe. Each worship experience is an opportunity to experience God in a new way.

Worship Schedule

September 8, Regular Sunday Worship Resumes
8:45am  |  Classic Worship
10:30am  |  Modern Worship

Fall Sermon Series | Overcoming Apathy – Unmasking the Mystery of Our Indifference

We exist in a competitive environment for our attention. Dings, buzzes, alerts, pings, pop-ups, and breaking news constantly vie for our emotions and affections. Yet, there is a growing sense of apathy toward things most of us would admit are important: our spiritual lives, injustice, the state of society, and even relationships that we know need attention. Sometimes, our apathy is a mystery even to us. In this sermon series, we will explore the causes and cures of apathy through the story of the Exodus of Israel. God took Moses from a place of fear and disengagement and led him to being one of the most impactful leaders in the Bible. In this series, we will discover what Moses needed to know and believe to be freed from apathy and how can we benefit from these lessons in order to overcome a pervasive sense of “meh” and be awakened again to the meaningful.

More Than Sunday Podcast

God’s love for us impacts and inspires every part of our lives—our relationships, families, day-to-day experiences, and more. On the More than Sunday podcast, we will encourage, challenge, love, and listen to one another as we learn what Jesus wants for us. Come to study, connect, laugh, hope, and be inspired. Listen today on AppleGoogleSpotify, or the First Pres wesbite.

Westminster Preschool

Westminster Preschool is thrilled to welcome students back into the building this Fall. Stay on the lookout for updates and upcoming events.

Academic Calendar

Classes start September 3 & 4 from 8:45 to 11:15am or from 12:30 to 3 pm. Classes end before Memorial Day. We follow the academic calendar of Glen Ellyn School District 41 for most holidays and school closings. Learn more here or by contacting Sue Clary, Westminster Preschool Director.

Fall Family Night

October 21 & 22
6:30-7:30pm | Gym

Families of Westminster Preschool are invited to visit the school from 6:30-7:30pm on their assigned night for fall family fun. See the classroom, visit the music room, enjoy carnival style games in the gym, get a family photo taken, and meet other families, classmates, and staff.


At First Pres, we live our faith through service. We love and serve in response to Christ’s call and the needs around us.

My Brother’s Kitchen

Meets once a month

My Brother’s Kitchen meets once a month for Saturday Brunch. They offer meaningful fellowship and serve 100+ meals to the YMEN community in Chicago. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Bonnie and Steve. The next few service opportunities are 9/7, 10/5, 11/2 and 12/7.

Kids Alive Trip (November-December)

Looking for an opportunity to visit our mission partner in the DR while getting in the Christmas spirit?  A small group of women will be heading to the Dominican Republic from November 30- December 4 to wrap Christmas gifts and put together gift bags for the kids of Constanza. Contact Jen Eldersveld for more information at 630.244.7895.